Chinese zodiac astrology: 59 Photos

The 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs Explained & What They Mean For You 2024


How do you calculate your Chinese zodiac sign?
  • Firstly, locate your birth year on the Chinese zodiac calendar. ...
  • Once you've located your birth year, match it with the corresponding Chinese zodiac sign. ...
  • It's essential to note that the Chinese New Year doesn't always begin on 1st January like the English New Year.
“Dragon years are definitely considered some of the most auspicious,” explains Yu Zhang, a teaching assistant professor of Chinese in the University of Colorado Boulder Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations.
The zodiac was based on Chinese astrology and was used as a way to count years, months, days, and hours in the calendar.
Chinese Lunar New Year - Calendar and Zodiac Animals
If you were born on or between these dates you are:Zodiac Animal and Characteristic
2021 February 122022 January 31Ox
2020 January 252021 February 11Rat
2019 February 52020 January 24Pig
2018 February 162019 February 4Dog
Chinese Zodiac Signs by Month
Zodiac Animal SignMonthCharacteristics
Ox (or Cow)Jan 6 to Feb 3Dependable and hard-working
TigerFeb 4 to Mar 5Impulsive and playful
RabbitMar 6 to Apr 5Sensitive and kind
DragonApr 6 to May 5Majestic and demanding