Zodiac sign for someone born in march: 60 Photos


Your March baby's zodiac sign will be Pisces or Aries.. Aries babies are great at getting the ball rolling, but they tend to leap before they look and sometimes have less of a zest for finishing projects than they do for starting them.
Pisces are highly creative and imaginative, Walker reports, as well as compassionate and loving. Their emotional sensitivity factor is high, helping them to remain in tune with others but also leaving them vulnerable to criticism, worrying a lot about the effect that their actions might have on others.
In astrology, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about March 21 to about April 19.
Pisces have the star sign dates between 20th February - 20th March and are ruled by the double whammy of Neptune (psychic, esoteric planet of mystery) and Jupiter (lucky son-of-a-gun planet of abundance.) So, the zodiac sign is both secretive and expansive, magical and worldly, soulful and joyful.
The love life of those born in March depends on the partner they choose for themselves. They are loyal to their partner. Though they like expressing their love towards their partner, they aren't very romantic. They have full faith in their partner and give complete freedom to them on every front.

how to know your zodiac sign by birth date?

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