Zodiac mx8 elite flow adjustment: 59 Photos

Zodiac MX8/MX6 Elite Flow Regulator Valve | ePoolSupply


The AD Flow valve has three settings: High (3), Medium (2) and Low (1). It comes preset at a factory setting of 2. You will need to adjust the AD Flow valve when and if a problem occurs. The Zodiac pool cleaner is performing too fast or climbing above the level of the water.
The climbing ability of the cleaner is dependent on the pool's shape and available water flow. If Zodiac MX6/MX8 is not climbing your walls, ensure the flow is correct by counting wheel speed. Also, ensure the pools surface is not covered in algae as this slippery surface will affect the cleaner's traction.
What causes automatic pool cleaners to flip or do wheelies? The water level in a pool is one of the most common causes for this problem. When the water level is too high, the water line is very close to the coping. So when the cleaner starts to climb the wall, it hits the coping and flips on to its back.
The Flow valve has three settings: High (3), medium (2) and Low (1). To deliver the maximum pool cleaning efficiency, the Flow valve comes preset at a factory setting of 2.

How to Install Your Zodiac MX8/MX6 Flow Regulator Valve FRV100

LINKS TO PURCHASE: Zodiac MX8/MX6 Elite Flow Regulator Valve (FRV100): https://www.epoolsupply.com/products/zodiac-...

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