What is libra zodiac flower: 59 Photos

Zodiac Flowers: A Guide To Star Sign Flowers – Bloombar Flowers


Libras can pull off the just-got-out-of-bed look and still make it stylish. Monstera deliciosa is the ideal plant for Libra because it prefers a nice, balanced environment.
Zodiac flowers, however, represent the personality of an astrological sign. These flowers carry both the positive and not-so-positive tendencies of their star signs. Roses, for example, show off their gorgeous flowers and sweet scent, symbolizing love, peace, and romance—much like Libra.
Libra, symbolized by the swan, embodies beauty, fairness, and diplomacy. Excelling in law, art, and design, they value loyalty and harmony, acting as mediators.
In mythology a Libra is related to the Greek Goddess of love, Aphrodite, the Greek mythology Libra is also related to the Greco-Roman goddess Aphrodite/Venus and sometimes also the goddesses Eris/Discordia & Harmonia/Concordia,Dike, Themis, Hera/Juno, Ishtar, Freyja, Persephone, Frigg and Forsetti the god Xolotl.
Rose. Libra: Rose. It's fitting that it's represented by the red rose, a timeless symbol of peace and love. Like delicate but hardy roses, Libras prefer a calm, easygoing life without conflict.