Pisces zodiac sign description: 59 Photos

ASTROGRAPH - Pisces in Astrology


Pisces are highly creative and imaginative, Walker reports, as well as compassionate and loving. Their emotional sensitivity factor is high, helping them to remain in tune with others but also leaving them vulnerable to criticism, worrying a lot about the effect that their actions might have on others.
General Characters:. 1. Aquatic, freshwater or marine, herbivorous or carnivorous, cold blooded, oviparous or ovoviviparous vertebrates. 2. Body usually streamlined, spindle-shaped, some are elongated snake-like and a few are dorsoventrally compressed, and differentiated into head, trunk and tail.
Vibrant, moisturized and plump faces can often be seen on a Pisces-influenced person. Getty Images. These folks tend to have old souls and wise eyes. Their facial features tend to be round and soft with pillowy lips, donned with heads of fine hair.
The astrological symbol shows the two fishes captured by a string, typically by the mouth or the tails. The fish are usually portrayed swimming in opposite directions; this represents the duality within the Piscean nature. They are ruled by the planet Jupiter (Neptune in modern astrology).
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Strengths of PiscesWeaknesses of Pisces
Selfless and thoughtfulInfluenced by the surroundings.
Passionate and creativeCareless, rash, and ill-disciplined
Gratitude and self-sacrificeInability to confront reality due to an absence of confidence
Tolerance and a keen understandingInsecure a little bit