Pisces zodiac rising sign: 60 Photos


Pisces risings are born with the 12th and final sign of the zodiac on their ascendant, with spiritual Jupiter and illusive Neptune as their planetary rulers. This cosmic influence gives them the yearning to connect with realms that are beyond reality.
Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it. Rising/Ascendant: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination.
“If you look at the zodiac birth chart, it looks like a clock,” Edut explains. “It moves like a dial every two hours, so whatever part of the sky is at the nine o'clock point [when you're born] is your rising sign.” This is because the nine o'clock point represents the eastern horizon, i.e. where the sun rises.
Yes it is true. The most common ascendants are Gemini, Cancer, Libra and Scorpio which rise for the maximum duration. The rarest are Pisces Aquarius and Aries which rise for less than 100 minutes (Aries for about 104). Others are mostly more than 120 minutes while the three most common ones rise for beyond 130 minutes.
Pisces (♓︎) (/ˈpaɪsiːz/; Ancient Greek: Ἰχθύες Ikhthyes, Latin for fishes) is the twelfth and final astrological sign in the zodiac. It is a mutable sign. It spans 330° to 360° of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area between February 19 and March 20.

All About Pisces Rising Sign & Pisces Ascendant In Astrology

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