Pisces zodiac meaning male: 0 Photos


The Pisces Man is attracted to happy, confident, and care-free people. A person who can enjoy life and get on with everyone is a big attraction for Pisces. Constantly dealing with their own emotions, they tend to go for women who are less emotional or sensitive than them. They especially are repelled by clinginess.
Weaknesses. Pisces can be particularly sensitive to criticism, Walker says, pushing them towards people-pleasing tendencies at times in an effort to win the approval of others. They can also be self-deprecating, which can cause them to underestimate their worth, Walker says of Pisces.
Pisces is, fittingly, a water sign, along with Cancer and Scorpio, and they're all known for being emotionally fluid, vacillating between feelings, and being very in tune with their feelings and those of others. Pisces are typically loyal, intuitive, and creative, and people love them.
Yes, Pisces men are very loyal. They are very emotional, kind and compassionate. They are also excellent dads. They love unconditionally often and wear their heart on their sleeves.
Ruled by Neptune, which is the planet of dreams, fantasy, and deception, Pisceans often get hurt in love because they fall for it too soon and too quickly.

Understanding PISCES Man || Personality Traits

The sensitivity of the Pisces man goes far beyond his good manners. He is connected to planes and realities inconceivable to...

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