Pink amethyst zodiac: 59 Photos
Meaning of Pink Amethyst. Although softer in color, the pink amethyst meaning is powerful. It has a cleansing energy and is known to instill feelings of understanding, calmness, trust and grace. It is known to have healing properties and protect against negative energy by opening the heart to love and tolerance.
Pisces. Pisces. The gemstone associated with the Pisces astrological sign is amethyst, which is said to induce peace, serenity and temperance. Alternate zodiac stones for the Pisces sign are moonstone, aquamarine and bloodstone.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(FAe9ZumSI_eS4-EP1oLAmAg__32,
February. If you were born in February, your birthstone is amethyst – the purple variety of quartz that has captivated mankind for millennia.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(FAe9ZumSI_eS4-EP1oLAmAg__40,
Since pink amethyst has only ever been found in one region across the world, it is also a lot rarer than rose quartz. The latter is much more common and also more readily available. In fact, rose quartz is mined the entire world over.
Wearing a pink sapphire makes you thankful, forgiving, and tolerant. Moreover, as per astrology, the stone helps treat weak eyesight and hearing problems. Hence it overall improves the immune system. This gemstone is also considered beneficial for those with low confidence and low energy level.