Peter thomas zodiac sign: 59 Photos

Birth chart of Peter Thomas - Astrology horoscope


Saint Peter is recognized as the apostle of the Piscean sign.
Peter Thomas
DiedApril 30, 2016 (aged 91) Naples, Florida, United States
Known forDocumentary and advertisement voice-over work
Virgo. Peter Parker was born on August 27, making him a Virgo. This methodical type is known for taking joy in helping and taking care of others.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(qQG9ZsfNJIXBwPAPn7TF0Ao__26,
Thomas Tomone - Virgo. Thomas Tomone (Merveille Lukeba) is an immigrant from the Congo who falls in love with Pandora. Disciplined, confident, and grounded, Thomas displays Virgo's trademark qualities. Virgo can be stubborn and overly critical, which is true of Thomas when expressing his frustrations towards Pandora.
Saint Peter
Pope Saint Apostle Peter
Birth nameShimon (Simeon, Simon)
Bornc. AD 1 Bethsaida, Gaulanitis, Syria, Roman Empire
Diedbetween AD 64 and 68 (aged 62–67) Rome, Roman Empire
ParentsJohn (or Jonah; Jona)