Native american zodiac signs dates: 60 Photos


Native American Astrology
  1. Snow Goose, December 22-January 19. Turtle Clan, Earth Renewal Moon. ...
  2. Otter, January 20-February 18. ...
  3. Wolf/Cougar, February 19-March 20. ...
  4. Hawk or Falcon, March 21-April 19. ...
  5. Beaver, April 20-May 20. ...
  6. Deer, May 21-June 20. ...
  7. Flicker or Woodpecker, June 21-July 22. ...
  8. Salmon or Sturgeon, July 23-August 22.
My Totem Tribe
  1. GOOSE. December 22- January 19. Empathic * Protective * Communicative. ...
  2. OTTER. January 20- February 18. Playful * Inquisitive * Active. ...
  3. WOLF. February 19 -March 20. ...
  4. FALCON. March 21 -April 19. ...
  5. BEAVER. April 20 -May 20. ...
  6. DEER. May 21 - June 20. ...
  7. WOODPECKER. June 21 -July 21. ...
  8. SALMON. July 22 - August 21.
The short answer is yes. Although, the animals and meanings are vastly different from the Zodiac most people are familiar with, the Native American Zodiac describes the nature of a person's personality based on the hemisphere and date they were born. The core philosophy of Native American birth totems is connectivity.
What is my Vedic zodiac sign?
  1. Aries/Mesha: (April 14 - May 14)
  2. Taurus/Vrishabha: (May 15 - June 14)
  3. Gemini/Mithuna: June 15 - July 15.
  4. Cancer/Karka: (July 16 - Aug. ...
  5. Leo/Simha: (Aug. 17 - Sept. ...
  6. Virgo/Kanya: (Sept. 17 - Oct. ...
  7. Libra/Tula: (Oct. 17 - Nov. ...
  8. Scorpio/Vrishchika: (Nov. 16 - Dec.
Touch an F hand to your cheek, then touch your head higher up and back. Think of an Indian headdress.

Native American Zodiac Signs & Their Meaning

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