Kalani hilliker zodiac sign: 59 Photos

Kalani Hilliker Birthday


Kalani & Asuelu. Kalani is a Cancer, born on July 2nd, and Asuelu is a Taurus born on May 15th.
Kalani was born as Kalani Brooke Hilliker on September 23, 2000 in Mesa, Arizona.
Other Information. Her zodiac sign is a Pisces. According to Christi herself in Season 1, she was born to a very young mother.
Other Information. Her zodiac sign is a Leo. Jill was very involved in dance and gymnastics as a young girl and decided to go into competitive cheerleading in high school and went on to cheer for the University of Pittsburgh, where she received a Bachelor of Arts.
Sumit: Aquarius. Aquarians can come off as cold or aloof, and that's because they detach from their emotions and try to rationalize more than any other sign. After Sumit's parents learned that he and Jenny were married, everything erupted.