June 29 birthday zodiac sign: 60 Photos


If you're born on June 29, you're likely to be very sensitive and intuitive. You have the ability to anticipate what other people will do and say, as well as being able to put yourself in others' shoes. Your imagination is likely to be brilliant and your ability to make those visions a reality.
Typical sun in Cancer traits include being nurturing, sensitive, compassionate, self-protective, security-seeking, loving, and displaying a goofy, ingratiating sense of humor. These characteristics reflect themes covered by the Fourth House of Home Life, which Cancer rules.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
What signs are most compatible with Cancer? Cancers seek emotional depth, comfort and stability in a partnership. Because of that, they get along best with earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and fellow water signs (Scorpio and Pisces).
People born in June have a romantic nature. They emotionally connect in any relationship. However, they do not prefer public displays of affection; instead, they enjoy secret romantic moments. They value their relationships.


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