July 11 birthday zodiac sign: 60 Photos


Strong Intuition: If your July 11 zodiac sign is Cancer, you likely have a powerful intuition about people and situations. You're keenly aware of unspoken feelings and can often sense what others need, even before they realize it themselves. Trusting your gut is key.
Cancers want to dive deeper in relationships, taking issue with connections that feel too transactional, says Caves. The signs most compatible with Cancer include its water counterparts, Scorpio and Pisces, as well as earth signs Virgo and Taurus. But the relationship between a Cancer and Taurus is unique, says Caves.
Nurturing and loyal, Cancers are also protective of their loved ones. While reserved, they stand on a foundation of strength – and aren't afraid to act when they feel it's necessary. The symbol of the crab offers a key to understanding Cancers' preternatural ability to know things without knowing how they know them.
Generally, the most compatible signs for Cancer friendships and romantic relationships are fellow water signs, Pisces and Scorpio, as they'll just get it with regards to the emotional language that Cancer speaks. Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn) have similar space-holding energy.
Good matches for Cancer are Libra, Pisces, and Capricorn, but even with compatible signs, Cancers tend to be very cautious. It takes time for them to work through their idealized notions and open up in a relationship.

July 11 Zodiac Horoscope and Birthday Personality | July 11th Birthday Personality, Career Horoscope

July 11th Birthday Astrology, Your Love, Health, and Career Horoscope July 11 Zodiac Sign is Cancer. According to July 11th...

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