Jenna marbles zodiac: 59 Photos

Astrology and natal chart of Jenna Marbles, born on 1986/09/15


Her birthday is December 2nd, celebrated in My Super Bittersweet Sixteen and Surprise! and her zodiac sign is Sagittarius. She, Ming and Tamara all changed their hairstyles at some point in Season 3. She is the only character in the show to have teen parents.
Jenna Marbles: Astrological Article and Chart
Born:Monday, September 15, 1986, 2:30 PM
In:Rochester (NY) (United States)
Sun:22°37' Virgo
Moon:21°21' Aquarius
Dominants:Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto Houses 9, 12, 1 / Fire, Earth / Mutable
Gemini. Gemini: Emma Woodhouse. Emma Woodhouse shows off some of Gemini's best qualities like curiosity, an affectionate nature, and gentleness. Though her matchmaking efforts often go awry, Emma only wants the best for her friends and family.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(Ygm9ZorRO6WOseMPta6lsAw__122,
Personal life. In April 2021, Marbles became engaged to long-time partner and fellow YouTuber Julien Solomita. They married in November 2022.

Every Zodiac Sign as Jenna & Julien

Horoscope icons. That is all. Created by Ada Lynch December 2020....

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