January zodiac birthstone: 60 Photos


The January Birthstones: It's All About The Garnet And Rose Quartz. Learn the fascinating meaning behind the Garnet and Rose Quartz January birthstones. This dynamic duo has captivated the hearts and minds of many from 8,000 BC onward.
Capricorn's birthstone: the Garnet. The garnet, or also known as grenade, is a semi-precious gemstone. Garnets come in many different colors. The most common color is red. But we also find them in orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown black and even colorless.
Garnet. Garnet is also the birthstone of Aquarius in tropical astrology. The American National Association of Jewelers designated garnet as January's birthstone in 1912, but the custom of wearing birthstones became popular in Poland in the in the fifteenth century.
Other varieties of garnet actually have an industrial use as abrasives. Not all gemstone-quality garnets are red; the stone can be green, yellow or orange as well. Any of these colors are acceptable as the birthstone for January, but traditionally, red is the January birthstone color.
Garnet. Garnet is the official birthstone for January and signifies protection, friendship, trust, commitment, and love. Garnet is also said to keep the wearer safe during travel.


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