January 23 zodiac birthstone: 60 Photos


garnet. If you were born in January, the garnet is your birthstone. People often think of garnets as red gemstones. In reality, garnets come in a variety of colors. They come from around the world, and people have used them as jewelry since the Bronze Age.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(6Am9ZuOEGfSuwPAPuuy6oQE__24,
January major and alternative birthstones are Garnet, Onyx and Jasper. In addition to that Amethyst, the Aquarius birth gem, and Chalcedony, a Capricorn birthstone, can be considered. All January birthstones make up a choice of at least 4 gems.
Garnet. Garnet is the official birthstone for January and signifies protection, friendship, trust, commitment, and love. Garnet is also said to keep the wearer safe during travel.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(6Am9ZuOEGfSuwPAPuuy6oQE__31,
The two birthstones that belong to the zodiac sign Aquarius are Garnet and Amethyst. This may come as no surprise.
What Is a Malaia Garnet? The term Malaia Garnet is borrowed from the Swahili word “Malaya” which means “misfit. This fascinating gemstone ranges from exquisite light to dark pinkish orange, to reddish-orange, to yellowish orange. Malaia Garnet is a ravishing, extremely rare gem with fierce brilliance.

January 23 Zodiac: Discovering the Personality Traits of Aquarius-born Individuals

In this video, we will explore the world of astrology and uncover the unique personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and...

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