Gregory house zodiac sign: 60 Photos


June 11, 1959. Gregory House was born to John and Blythe House on June 11, 1959, or May 15, 1959. House is a military brat; his father served as a Marine Corps aviator and transferred often to other bases during House's childhood.
INTJ. It's clear to see that House is an INTJ.
Since the infarction and Stacy's departure happened at around the same time (and in many episodes it is hinted that House was much the same even before that), House clearly has been an introvert for much of his life, especially because of his domestic situation.
Huddy: [hud-ee] The supporting of the romantic relationship between Gregory House and Lisa Cuddy. The relationship between House and Cuddy is, to say the least, incredibly complicated and rife with tension.
The IQ of House and Sherlock have been calculated by professionals. House had an IQ of 178 and Sherlock has an IQ of 190.

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