God of capricorn zodiac sign: 60 Photos


Capricorn is usually depicted as a goat or sea-goat, but in Greek Mythology he is the God Pan. Pan ruled over forests and woodlands, flocks and shepherds. From the waist down he was a goat and also had the ears and horns of a goat, and from the waist up he was a man.
Saturn. Saturn is the ruling lord of Capricorn natives..!!);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(WQC9ZoqgDZqvwPAPl_CF2AU__25,
Capricorn. Capricorn people are advised to worship Lord Shri Ram..!!
planet Saturn. Capricorn is one of the three earth signs, alongside Virgo and Taurus, a negative sign, and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and its opposite sign is Cancer.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(WQC9ZoqgDZqvwPAPl_CF2AU__32,
Capricorns are practical, determined, diligent, attention-focused and good with money. They enjoy making things work harder, run better, grow bigger. They like to deliver over and above expectations. Capricorns are typically drawn to business, and to being their own boss.

The Messed Up Mythology™ of Capricorn | Astrology Explained - Jon Solo

Its finally here! The long-awaited origins and mythology of Capricorn and the FINAL episode of Astrology Explained!...

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