Futurama zodiac signs: 59 Photos

Shit the Signs Say — We do not own Futurama or the characters in it....


Aries. Aries - Leela. As natural leaders, people born under Aries tend to impress their beliefs upon others, hence Leela's habit of leading the crew on dangerous adventures.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Professor Farnsworth. Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth is advanced in years, but still has enough energy to power Planet Express by himself. Just like an Aquarius, Professor Farnsworth is always tinkering away at some sort of science-y invention.
Albert Einstein (Born: March 14, 1879): The brilliant mind behind the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein, was a Pisces whose intellect soared to the celestial heights.
What are the zodiac signs of the characters in Phineas and Ferb? Phineas: Sun in Gemini, Moon in Leo. Ferb: Sun in Leo, Rising in Leo. Candace: Sun in Cancer.
Human Mutants in fiction Mutant (function(){. (this||self).Bqpk9e=function(f,d,n,e,k,p){var g=document.getElementById(f);if(g&&(g.offsetWidth!==0||g.offsetHeight!==0)){var l=g.querySelector(div),h=l.querySelector(div),a=0;f=Math.max(l.scrollWidth-l.offsetWidth,0);if(d>0&&(h=h.children,a=h[d].offsetLeft-h[0].offsetLeft,e)){for(var m=a=0;m . Leela/Species. She first believes herself an alien, but later finds out she is the least-mutated sewer mutant in the history of 31st-century Earth.