Fire and water zodiac signs compatibility: 0 Photos
Water and fire are mutually destructive—water will extinguish a flame, just as fire will boil water away to nothing. The cold, dark sheen of the rivers temper the exuberance of the fires while the bright dancing flames enliven the quiet surface of the water.
Some of the best star sign compatibility matches are when fire signs are matched with air signs and when earth signs are matched with water signs. Additionally, signs from the same element will likely be well matched for marriage compatibility.
A fire sign desires someone who matches their energy. Air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—are the ideal counterparts to the fiery nature of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. They share an optimism and curiosity about life, which ensures their time together is filled with exploration, laughter, and mutual growth.
What signs are Water signs most compatible with? Stardust notes that Water signs “connect the best with other Water signs and Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) because they help each other grow and spread roots,” and says the “need for security and beauty is what aligns them the most.”
While water and fire signs might seem like opposites, they can complement each other well, creating a dynamic and energising relationship. Water's emotional depth can calm fire's passion and spontaneity, while fire can encourage water to take action and embrace change.