Element symbols zodiac: 60 Photos
Zodiac sign, element and symbols of the planet.
Fire — 1 – Aries; 5 – Leo; 9 – Sagittarius – hot, dry, ardent. Earth — 2 – Taurus; 6 – Virgo; 10 – Capricorn – heavy, cold, dry. Air — 3 – Gemini; 7 – Libra; 11 – Aquarius – light, hot, wet. Water — 4 – Cancer; 8 – Scorpio; 12 – Pisces – cold, wet, soft.
To find out which element represents you the most, you need to look at your complete natal chart and see which element is in the majority.
- Water sign: ♋Cancer, ♏Scorpio, ♓Pisces.
- Air sign: ♊Gemini, ♎Libra, ♒Aquarius.
- Fire Signs: ♈Aries, ♌Leo, ♐Sagittarius.
- Earth sign: ♉Taurus, ♍Virgo, ♑Capricorn.
The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are bold, brash, creative, and daring; they can burn too brightly, though, and their tempers run hot. The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are emotional, intuitive, and deeply in touch with their subconscious. At times, they can get overwhelmed by all the big feels.
While each zodiac sign is associated with specific traits, there are commonalities between the three signs in each element. The three Earth signs — Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn — are, well, earthier than their intuitive water sign counterparts, not to mention intellectual air signs and rambunctious fire signs.
The zodiac is divided along the ecliptic into 12 equal parts (signs), each occupying 30° of celestial longitude. These signs roughly correspond to the astronomical constellations with the following modern names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.