Dufferin zodiac pool cue: 59 Photos

Dufferin Zodiac Pool Cue Red Maple Leaf Canada 2 Piece & Players XVI & Bag


Dufferin Cues are known for their legendary quality and is one of the oldest pool cue brand. Wood is carefully dried and turned to ensure absolute straightness with a traditional taper.
From my understanding Dufferin cues are now made in china vs canada and the new ones arent quite as good as the vintage ones.
  1. Predator Pool Cues. Innovation and aggression come to mind when we think about Predator cues. ...
  2. McDermott Pool Cues. No list covering the best brands of pool cues would be complete without McDermott. ...
  3. Jacoby Custom Pool Cues. ...
  4. Cuetec Pool Cues. ...
  5. Viking Pool Cues.
REVO® carbon fiber shafts are the best in billiards technology and performance. Not only the most accurate shaft ever made, REVO® provides effortless action and power with more consistency than wood shafts.
It seems that Ronnie has been a big fan of John Parris's cue workmanship over the years and has even provided a testimonial on the Parris Cues' website, in which he states: I remember when I first got my cue, I could not believe how good it felt.