Dragon zodiac tattoo: 59 Photos

Chinese Zodiac Tattoo Dragon by visuallyours on DeviantArt


In China, Japan and Vietnam in particular, dragons have a rich history, making them highly regarded mythical creatures. Often representing wisdom, freedom, and strength, an Eastern-style dragon tattoo is a symbol of power. In contrast, in Europe, dragons were considered evil creatures to be slayed.
The dragon, one of the luckiest and most powerful animals in the Chinese zodiac, eagerly awaits its yearly celebration, the Year of the Dragon.
The Chinese lunisolar calendar determines the specific animal and element associated with a particular year. The Year of the Dragon in 2024 is associated with the element of Wood. The combination of the animal sign (Dragon) and the element (Wood) designates the year as the Year of the Wood Dragon.
Traditionally, the dragon is an auspicious symbol of strength and power. It is also associated with good fortune, wisdom, success, protection and masculinity.
Unlike the winged creatures in European mythology, Chinese dragons appear visually to more serpent-like in nature, and are often depicted as winged creatures winding through the clouds. The Chinese dragon is considered to most often represent protection, power, wisdom, and good luck or fortune.

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