Blair waldorf zodiac: 0 Photos


Scorpio. Yes, we know from the show that Blair is a Scorpio, and Chuck is a Capricorn.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(RwS9ZrLKEtPGwPAPweuFkAg__28,
Chuck Bass, the Capricorn Metal Horse. This sign is known for its hard-working nature and its ability to take on any challenge.
Capricorn. Chuck and Blair's relationship spans the show's six seasons, and it's tough to agree with Chuck's behavior all the time as he tends to shut her out, but that also makes sense for his Capricorn nature.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(RwS9ZrLKEtPGwPAPweuFkAg__40,
Blair Cornelia Waldorf was born on November 15, 1991 (1990 in the tv series) to Harold Waldorf, a rich layer, and Eleanor Waldorf, a wealthy heiress from a Upper East Side family.
ENTJ. Overall this makes her an ENTJ, which sums her personality up rather holistically and without much to refute over.

Zodiac signs that give off Blair Waldorf energy

She is a Scorpio. The order of the zodiac signs does not matter. Enjoy! Series: Gossip Girl (s01 & s02) #blairwaldorf #gossipgirl...

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