Beta male zodiac signs: 0 Photos


Some common characteristics of beta males include the following:
  • Collaborating and cooperating with others to make a decision.
  • Struggles with saying “no” and being firm with boundaries.
  • Not competitive.
  • Friendly and warm.
  • Comfortable with emotions and intimacy.
  • Respects leadership.
  • Loyal.
  • Does not have a big ego.
You could equate Aries, Sagittarius and Leo as Alphas ( the fire signs) although Scorpio and Capricorn can have dominant energy too.
Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn embody sigma male traits. Sigma males are considered confident lone wolves who buck traditions, reject hierarchies, and go after what they want.
A beta male is a more passive, emotional, and reserved person. Beta males tend to be traditionally subservient and focus on pleasing others instead of dominating them. They're the friendly and welcoming men in the group who are always eager to lend a kind ear or a helping hand.
A relatively derogatory term, a beta male refers to a man who falls second tier in the social hierarchy, right behind alpha male. They can be categorized as submissive, naive and overall weak. They can navigate life pretty trepidatiously, avoiding anything that could result in confrontation.

Sigma Male Zodiac Signs

sigmamale #zodiacsign #rarestman In this video you will find zodiac signs specific to sigma male. These are for the rarest and...

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