Best dog breeds for libra zodiac sign: 0 Photos


LIBRA - Havanese. Havanese are known for their affectionate and bubbly personalities, always playing around and making friends. Just like Libra signs, who understand the importance of making new friends and connect with others.
Libras get along with everyone and are very social, so you can always count on them for a good time. These traits make for a great pet owner, as it's always easy to make a friend at a dog park!
Libra: You're a Bichon Frise. The small, white Bichon Frise is a highly favored dog breed throughout the world since the Bichon Frise is considered one of the greatest “personality dogs” in the world. Given this admirable reputation and outstanding popularity, the Bichon Frise embodies your social standing, Libra.
(August 23 – September 22). As Virgo is an Earth sign, they love being outdoors much like the Australian Shepherd who were bred to be herding dogs. Virgos and Australian Shepherds alike make hardworking and loyal friends.
Libra. Those under Libra tend to be creative, treasuring the beauty found in the world. They're also rather social and intelligent, thus a pet that can be just as sweet and dreamy will be the best fit for them! One breed comes to mind when it comes to dogs, and that's the Pomeranian.

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Prospective dog owners take lots of factors into account before deciding on a dog breed. Important considerations include the size...

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