Benedict cumberbatch zodiac sign: 59 Photos

Birth chart of Benedict Cumberbatch - Astrology horoscope


Born June 9, 1963 Depp is a divisive Gemini sun with a grind or die Cap moon and a child star Leo ascendant. Depp's Gemini sun makes him adaptable, affable and shifty AF. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini never shies away from controversy or conversation.
Elon Musk – The musky man adorned and hated at the same time by many people. Even his personality fascinates many which make people compelled to know his zodiac sign. He is a Cancerian. Cancer individuals are often associated with qualities such as emotional intelligence, intuition, and a nurturing nature.
Born on June 1, 1996, Holland is a Gemini, while Zendaya, born on Sept. 1, 1996, is a Virgo. The Spider-Man costars have Mercury-ruled sun signs, which means they're both naturally cerebral and detail-oriented.
Brad Pitt was born on December 18, making him a Sagittarius by birth, while Angelina Jolie's birthday is on June 4th, meaning she is a Gemini.
Tom Cruise was born on July 3, 1962. This makes him an emotional Cancer Sun with an expressive Leo Moon.

Benedict Cumberbatch Astrology

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