Barbie zodiac sign collection: 0 Photos


Each of the twelve glamorous Barbie® dolls in the collection wears a simple flowing gown with a satin ribbon tied around the waist and a faux fur shawl. Each gown is decorated with the symbol for it's sign and comes with a charm bracelet with the zodiac symbol.
Pisces. The OG Barbie is a Pisces IRL — her birthday is March 9. This makes sense since she is all about fantasy and glamor (this is shown through her over-the-top pink dreamhouse, cosplay outfits and accessories, perfect makeup that never gets messy, as well as her exquisite ball gowns that are gorgeous).);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(tQe9ZpvmGNmW4-EP_bys-Ak__34,
March 9, 1959. Barbie's official birthday is March 9, 1959, the day she was unveiled to the toy industry during New York Toy Fair. Barbie first appeared in her iconic black-and-white striped swimsuit. Barbie was joined by Ken in 1961. The first Barbie doll was sold for $3.00.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(tQe9ZpvmGNmW4-EP_bys-Ak__38,
6 Libra: Gloria. One of the few humans in Barbie, Gloria is a woman who struggles with loneliness and transfers these emotions to her Barbie. She loves everything about Barbie, and she wants to create a Barbie that simply has an ordinary life, just like she does.
1. Original Barbie - 1959. Estimated Market Value: Up to $27,450. Values are highest for dolls in mint condition and with original accessories​​.

barbie life in the dreamhouse as zodiac signs (final episode)

well here it is the last of the barbie zodiac series. Ive really enjoyed reading your guys comments and interacting with you all...

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