Aztec zodiac jaguar: 60 Photos


Jaguar: An Aztec symbol of strength, war, and a representation of the jaguar god Tezcatlipoca.
About the Jaguar Mayan sign. You are Jaguar (or Ocelot or Wizard), the fourteenth Day Sign of Mayan astrology. Your interpersonal and intuitive skills are very sharp, and deep involvement with other people is very important to you. You are quite spiritual and strive to fulfill a higher purpose.
But the Aztecs, one of the most sophisticated civilizations when it came to agriculture, number systems, calendar, medicine, and poetry, had their own form of astrology. Specialists in Aztec Astrology have identified a horoscope with 12 signs and another one with 20.
Ehecatl (Nahuatl: meaning Wind) was an Aztec god of the air and winds, especially those which brought rains. The Aztecs thought he was born from flint on the day 9 Wind, which was his other name. They also named the 2nd day in the Aztec calendar after him.
Tezcatlipoca. Tezcatlipoca's nagual, or animal disguise, was the jaguar, the spotted skin of which was compared to the starry sky. A creator god, Tezcatlipoca ruled over Ocelotonatiuh (“Jaguar-Sun”), the first of the four worlds that were created and destroyed before the present universe.


Ix (Yucatan) / Ix (Kiche) Personality: Tight-lipped, sensitive, intelligent and psychic. Interested in spirituality and religion....

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Youtube - @Mayan Astrology with Vajra