Avittam nakshatra zodiac sign: 59 Photos
Dhanishtha (Devanagari: धनिष्ठा, Telugu: ధనిష్ఠ, Kannada: ಧನಿಷ್ಠ), also known as Avittam in Tamil and Malayalam (Tamil: அவிட்டம், Malayalam: അവിട്ടം), is the twenty-third nakshatra in Hindu astronomy, corresponding to α to δ Delphini. In Jyotiṣa, Dhanishta is ruled by Mangala (the planet Mars).
Dhanishta belongs to Capricorn and Aquarius zodiac signs. It is ruled by Mars. People belonging to this nakshatra are multi-talented and sometimes, musical prodigies. They are known as high-achievers amongst all constellations.
It is also known as Shravishthā or Avittam in South India. It falls under the zodiac sign of Aquarius and spans from 23.20 degrees Capricorn to 6.40 degrees Aquarius. According to Hindu mythology, Dhanishta is ruled by the Vasus, the gods of abundance and prosperity.
Star Match - Nakshatra Porutham
Girls Stars | Boys Stars |
AVITTAM 1&2nd Padham (Mahara Rasi) | Aswini - Krithigai - Poosam - Uthiram(2,3&4th Padham) - Hastham - Swathi - Anusham - Moolam -Uthradam Thiruvonam -Sadhayam |
Utthirattathi -Pooradam -Visakam -Ayilyum -Punarpoosam - Krithigai2,3&4 - Kettai - Uthram - Magam |
Dhanishtha (Avittam) is the 23rd nakshatra in the list of 27 nakshatras. It spans from 23°20′ to 06°40′ in the zodiac sign of Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha). Mars rules it, and its deity is the Eight Vasus, the god of abundance and prosperity.