August zodiac stone: 60 Photos


Sardonyx, Spinel & Peridot Are Birthstones for August.
Zodiac birthstone chart
MonthStar SignTraditional Gemstone
Peridot. Peridot. Peridot is the birthstone for Leos born in August. It has been linked to the Sun throughout history and is believed to protect against dark spirits and dangers that await when the Sun has set. As Ruby enhances the existing qualities of a Leo, Peridot helps heal the unfavourable traits they may possess.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(wPK8Zs7LEf6bwPAPicSE8As__41,
August Birthstone: Peridot. August Birthstone Color is Yellow Green.
Peridot. Leo's birthstone: the Peridot. This was because the yellow-green to dark green reflects light reflect beautifully within this stone. The color of the peridot can vary from pure green to yellowish green to greenish yellow.

All About Augusts Birthstones!

Were you born in the month of August? If so, you are in luck! This week, Natalie takes a look into Augusts birthstone spinel,...

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