August 29 zodiac element: 59 Photos

August 29 Zodiac (Virgo) Birthday Personality, Compatibility, Element and  More – FutureScope Astrology


Each Virgo representative born on the 29th of August is a bit of a dreamer, but still belongs to the Sun sign of Virgo. Choose literature that is spiritual enough, romantic enough, or strangely fictional, leaving options open for several different endings in their mind.
Leo-Virgo cusps are born between August 19 and 25, also called the Cusp of Exposure. Consequently, they're affected by both the Leo and Virgo zodiac signs. Leo-Virgo cusps are passionate, authoritative, and loyal. They're capable leaders and tend to be successful because they're both hardworking and ambitious.
Leo (astrology)
Duration (tropical, western)July 22 – August 22 (2024, UT1)
Zodiac elementFire
Zodiac qualityFixed
In astrology, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about August 23 to about September 22. It is represented as a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat.