Astrological sun sign of the zodiac for february: 0 Photos
February's signs include Aquarius and Pisces, and each is associated with its own unique symbol and set of traits. If you have a February birthday, you share a star sign with some of the legendary National Inventors Hall of Fame® Inductees below. Read on to check them out!
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in the Aquarius sign between about January 20 and February 18. Aquarius is one of the three air signs, alongside Gemini and Libra. The ruling planets of Aquarius are Saturn (In traditional astrology alongside Capricorn), and Uranus in modern astrology.
It's the first day of Aquarius season. The Zodiac sign which rules much of February and the last part of January is known for its intelligence and unpredictability. Unique and creative, Aquarians can be an enigma to others but never to themselves.
The sun spends roughly 30 days in each sign, so if you are born within that month-long time frame, that is your sun sign. For example if you are a Virgo, it means your sun is in Virgo, and if you are a Sagittarius you can know that your sun is in Sagittarius.” Every star sign brings something unique to the table.
Aquarius is the sign of the individualist, the rebel, and the visionary. People with the Sun in Aquarius are often independent, free-thinking, and unconventional. They are also known for their intelligence, humanitarianism, and idealism.