Ascendente zodiacal in english: 59 Photos

Signos Ascendentes: Lo que revela su signo ascendente sobre su tipo de  personalidad y mucho más (Guías astrológicas) (Spanish Edition)


An Ascendant is a sign that was rising in the East at the time of the native's birth. Thus it is also called the Rising Sign. Being the most important house, Ascendant is also referred to as the first house of the horoscope, which records the basics of one's life.
relating to an area of the sky through which the sun, moon, and most of the planets appear to move, divided into twelve equal parts, each with a name and symbol, and each connected with an exact time of year: She was born under the zodiacal sign of Cancer.
To identify your rising sign, you need your exact time of birth and place, which you should be able to find on your long-form birth certificate. This info is critical because the position of the horizon changes so often, and therefore, rising signs change quickly throughout the day — approximately every two hours.
Rising sign or ascendant. The rising sign gets its name from the zodiac sign that is “rising” on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. The ascendent is the energy that we put out into the world, or the vibe that people pick up and notice about us off the bat.
It is generally believed that the closer to the beginning of the sign the ascendant falls, the stronger it will be. This is because most of the first house will fall into that sign.