Ascendent zodiac sign: 59 Photos

Why You Should Read Your Rising Signs Horoscope Before Your Sun Signs |  Expert Tips | Allure


The rising sign refers to the zodiac sign that was rising (or ascending, hence why it's also referred to as the “ascendant”) in the eastern horizon when you were born.
Your rising sign is also known as your ascendant (given its link to the rising sun) sign, and this is often how you will see it described in birth chart analysis. Don't get confused, because it's the same thing (just as sun and star signs are actually the same thing).
How do you calculate a rising sign? Your rising sign, also known as your ascendant sign, is calculated using the exact time of your birth on your birthday. There are many free sites that offer a rising sign chart, including this one.
Taken all together, your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are often called your “Big Three.” Each of these signs plays a v. important role in your birth chart, and each describes a different part of your personality and life story.
Your rising sign is an important part of your chart, not just because it discerns the kind of personality you want to channel, but because, “The rising sign also determines the planetary ruler of your birth chart, which is arguably the most important planet/luminary in your birth chart,” says astrologer and host of the ...