Aries zodiac sign symbol text: 59 Photos
Symbol: ♈ The symbol of Aries is said to represent the head of a ram. Characteristics: The rams of Aries are said to be confident and fiery people.
It is often used by people whose sign is Aries to talk about themselves or by people of other signs whose compatible partner is an Aries. I'm an Aries ♈ and I have different mood swings 😌
Using Microsoft Word, hold down the Alt key and type any one of the sequence 9800 to 9811 eg Alt + 9800 gives us Aries ♈ and Alt+9811 gives us Pisces ♓.
Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19.
His symbols include the boar, dog, wolf, spear, sword, and vulture. His Roman counterpart is Mars.