Aries zodiac enemies: 59 Photos
Aries Zodiac Enemies. The zodiac sign of Aquarius and Virgo are the ones whom Aries consider as their enemy. This is because Aquarius never fails to hurt them and Virgo lives a life which has a better balance than Aries could manage. As a result, Aries hate Virgo out of jealousy.
Aries, when looking for your next BFF, look for a Leo or Sagittarius. These fellow Fire Signs make the best friends for excitable Aries. They're able to keep up with your exuberance and energy while matching your competitiveness when necessary.
Pisces is another highly emotional, intuitive water sign that proves a difficult match for Aries. According to Thomas, there might be a strong attraction between these two at first, but long-term, they're not compatible. “Pisces can find Aries far too pushy and Aries can find Pisces far too passive,” Nicole says.
Though fire on fire is usually a great match, a double Aries connection is usually double trouble. It's too much of the same kind of heat for one relationship. Other tricky matches are Capricorns, Cancers and Scorpios.
Aries- Pisces, Cancer & Capricorn. Aries do not get along with a Pisces or a Cancer. Pisceans are exceptionally sensitive, and the unexpected nature of an Aries could be a test for them.