Archetypes of the zodiac pdf: 60 Photos
An Archetypal View of Jungs Typology through the pictures
The archetypes of the zodiac include Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each of these archetypes is linked to specific and unique aspects of human experience, such as the relationship of a human with his own self, others, and the world.
The SUN is the principle behind “Carpe Diem”. Each day – with sunrise – we face ourselves and go about creatively actualizing our desire to live our true purpose. Special Destiny/Purpose are the EA keywords for the Sun. We all have chosen how to evolve and what work we want to do for our evolutionary momentum forward.
The basic principle of astrology is that the planets have a fundamental, cosmically based connection to specific archetypal forces or principles which influence human existence, and that the patterns formed by the planets in the heavens bear a meaningful correspondence to the patterns of human affairs on the Earth.
Leos spiritual assignment is to place you into the hands of the Living God that manifest in you. As a fixed fire sign, this archetype is revealed not in the absolute perfection of a work but in absolute fidelity to themselves, in commitment to their own passion.
Definition of Archetype. An archetype is a character, symbol or behavioral pattern that is basically a universal template for a character that is copied throughout all forms of storytelling. Some archetypes may even transcend cultural differences in stories.