Archangel michael zodiac sign: 59 Photos
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. As fire signs, you are protected and guided by Michael, also known as the “Great Defender.” He represents action, war, protection, leadership, strength, and bravery.
The 12 archangels wind their connection with each zodiac sign
- Aries. Ariel - The healing angel. ...
- Taurus. Chamuel- The one who heralds peace on Earth. ...
- Gemini. Zadkiel - The angel of memory, forgiveness and mercy. ...
- Cancer. Gabriel -The representer of birth, creation and motherhood. ...
- Leo. ...
- Virgo. ...
- Libra. ...
- Scorpio.
In most depictions Michael is represented as an angelic warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword, and shield, in the style of a Byzantine officer, which is typically found even in Western depictions, though some late-medieval ones have him in contemporary knightly armour.
As a Royal and Behenian star, Aldebaran has also been associated with Archangel Michael in many traditions, esoteric as well as mainstream. I have always loved Archangel Michael. According to Steiner it is Archangel Michael who is most directly connected to global humanity's current crisis.
According to Origen of Alexandria in his work Against Celsus, Michael was represented as a lion on the Ophite Diagram.