Arabic zodiac signs: 60 Photos


Words for Astrological Signs in Arabic
  • Aries. برج الحمل
  • Taurus. برج الثور
  • Gemini. برج الجوزاء
  • Cancer. برج السرطان
  • Leo. برج الأسد
  • Virgo. برج العذراء
  • Libra. برج الميزان
  • Scorpio. برج العقرب
Although astrology is not generally permissible in Islam, early Muslims relied on the sun and moon to determine things important such as the direction of Mecca, fasting times for Ramadan, and the beginning and end of each month.
Ancient Arabic Astrology is a valuable book that designates and explains an ancient esoteric mystery tradition of foretelling that has been shrouded in mystery to most of the world. Arabic astrology is still quite unknown astrology, despite its antiquity.
leo (The Lion). leo ASTRON. برج الأسد

Horoscopes in arabic. Whats your star sign? The zodiac signs vocabulary in Arabic language.

Whether you are studying Astrology or Arabic, it would be useful if you learn about the star signs in the Arabic and the English...

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