April 30 birthday zodiac: 59 Photos
April 30 Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality - SunSigns.Org photo paintings
People born on April 30 are typically independent and homely, but may find togetherness scary. They are home lovers with an adventurous spirit. Taurus is independent and self-aware, but he has a balanced set of objectives. Taurus is looking to find a partner to share his feelings and to have a lot of fun.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Tauruses have a regal quality about them. They are graceful and diligent laborers. They can be stubborn, bull-headed, and set in their ways, but they are also great listeners and very dependable. Tauruses can absolutely go on forever.
Taurus natives have a strong desire for social and corporate stability. They have a strong desire for extravagance, contentment, and great things, which can lead to intense neediness. Taurus natives like the Bull who represents their sign, are prone to anger, but once enraged, they can be terrifying.