Andrew tate zodiac sign: 59 Photos

Astrology and natal chart of Andrew Tate, born on 1986/12/01


Andrew Tate: Astrological Article and Chart
Born:Monday, December 1, 1986 (time unknown)
In:Washington (DC) (United States)
Sun:9°12' Sagittarius
Moon:9°23' Sagittarius
Dominants:Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces Pluto, Jupiter, Mars Water, Fire / Mutable
Andrew's Sun sign is Aquarius.
Cancer - Tate Langdon. It's revealed in the Apocalypse season Tate and Vivien are the parents of Michael Langdon, the Anti-Christ. The emotionally evocative Tate Langdon is a textbook Cancer.
Sagittarius: Malia Tate. It's easy for her to positively influence the people around her.
Born on Dec. 4, 1969, JAY-Z is a Sagittarius Sun and Libra Moon, while Beyoncé was born on Sept. 4, 1981, making her a Virgo Sun and a Scorpio Moon.

Andrew Tate speaks about “zodiac signs” (gets heated😶)

andrewtate #astrology #podcast #interview....

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