Aang avatar zodiac sign: 59 Photos
Libra's astrological symbol is the scale, which can't be more appropriate for someone like Aang. As the Avatar, Aang is meant to bring balance to the world. But beyond that, a lot of the personality traits associated with Libra also apply to Aang.
Libra (23 Sep - 22 Oct) — Aang. Libras are in constant search of peace, fairness, and balance. Like Aang, they are kind, understanding, and compassionate with everyone. Libra's symbol is the scales of justice, which represent fairness, balance, and harmony.
Aries: Korra. Korra is the epitome of Aries personality: she has pure, unadulterated energy and when she learns how to harness and focus it, the world is her oyster.
She is both fiery and unyielding, not afraid to burn people around her. She demands the most from her friends and expects them to always be there for her. Toph is a Taurus.
Kaido's birthday is May 1st, so he is a Taurus. He certainly embodied that sign's love of earthly comforts during that drinking party on Onigashima, and he is certainly stubborn and uncompromising as a true Taurus bull.