27/10 zodiac: 59 Photos

October 27 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks


Scorpios born on October 27 are extremely success-oriented, and because they have a multi-faceted view of life they are able to choose a variety of career paths in which they would succeed.
Annually, approximately between October 23 and November 21, the sun moves through the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, symbolized by the Scorpion.
People born under Libra Scorpio cusp are the combination of drama and criticism. They are born between October 19 and October 26. So, here's what you should know about their personality traits, strengths and weaknesses.
Positive Traits for October 27th Born. Friendly, openminded and filled with incredible ideas, they are innovative, open for change and ready to take matters into their own hands when others get stuck. Good friends, intelligent and not prone to gossip, they are the light of the party when in touch with their inner child.
Libra: September 23 – October 23. Scorpio: October 24 – November 21.