1889 chinese zodiac animal: 59 Photos

Retro Chinese zodiac poster years 1852 to 1935


Years and the Five Elements
Start dateEnd dateHeavenly branch
13 February 18771 February 1878Fire Ox
31 January 188920 January 1890Earth Ox
19 February 19017 February 1902Metal Ox
6 February 191325 January 1914Water Ox
Jan. 31, 1889 was the first day of a year of the ox. Jan. 21, 1890 was the first day of a year of the tiger.
Chinese zodiac Earth Dog born 1958, 2018 ,1898 Sticker.
Earth Rat
People born in the year of the horse are very high-spirited, active and energetic. Their enthusiasm and cheerful personalities make people like them. That is why people who are born in the year of the horse like to be the center of attention and make everyone around them enjoy their company.

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