12 zodiac signs keys fairy tail: 60 Photos


All Celestial Spirits are each named after a different astronomical constellation. Out of the twelve Gold Keys, ten are owned by Lucy Heartfilia and the remaining two are owned by Yukino Agria, who also holds the key to the 13th Gate of the Zodiac.
Eclipse Ophiuchus (オフィウクス Ofiukusu), The Snake Charmer (蛇遣い Hebizukai), is the Eclipse form of the Celestial Spirit Ophiuchus whose Gate is referred to as the 13th Gate. Her key is currently owned by Yukino Agria, but the contract was severed, causing Ophiuchus, along with the rest of the Zodiac, to rebel.
According to Yukino, it is said that when all twelve Zodiac Keys are gathered, one is able to open the gate to changing the world. It is possible for a Celestial Spirit Mage to summon the Celestial Spirit King, who does not have a physical key, but there are certain conditions to do so.
Capricorn, The Goat, is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys. His key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia and was formerly owned by Layla Heartfilia.
Lucy Heartfilia also know as the dark queen is married to Zeref Vermillion brother of Mavis Vermillion so she is known as Lucy Heartfilia Vermillion. Her and Zeref are 400 years old together they where married at the age of 18.

The TWO sides of zodiac celestial spirit good and evil | Celestial Spirit Eclipse

12 zodiac celestial spirit Gold Keys Lucy Heartfilia Fairy Tail Eclipse #lucy #celestrialspirit #lucyheartfilia # All guild marks in Fairy...

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