08/29 zodiac: 59 Photos
Birthday Analysis for August 29, 1913 - Zodiac photos
In astrology, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about August 23 to about September 22. It is represented as a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat.
Virgos are grounded, so their ideal matches are often Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus. Virgos may intellectualize their feelings before leading with their hearts. Yet, once they feel that it is safe to be vulnerable, they will do everything possible to bring pleasure to others and be a rock for them.
Those born on August 29 can think on their feet and are great at improvising creative solutions to problems or situations. They are ambitious, driven and move towards their goals with a solid self discipline that amazes others around them.
Each Virgo representative born on the 29th of August is a bit of a dreamer, but still belongs to the Sun sign of Virgo.
Leos and Virgos can be friends, get married, and easily be soulmates. However, the glue that keeps this pair together is tenderness and tolerance. As time passes, these two grow into one another, and their unassuming love can last in ways that the universe conspired—but only with cosmic collaboration.