04/30 zodiac sign: 59 Photos

April 30 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks


In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, considered as governing that portion of the year from about April 20 to about May 20.
Which signs are most compatible with Taurus? According to Thomas, Taureans generally work best with water signs (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio) and fellow earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn). “Earth signs share similar traits, such as stamina, practicality, work ethic, a focus on the material world and loyalty,” he says.
People born on April 30 are typically independent and homely, but may find togetherness scary. They are home lovers with an adventurous spirit. Taurus is independent and self-aware, but he has a balanced set of objectives. Taurus is looking to find a partner to share his feelings and to have a lot of fun.
A Taurus born on April 30 often leads life on different terms than may be their choice. They seem destined to have their life-path influenced from an early age. April 30 natives enjoy playing for high stakes in life.
Taurus can succeed more in relationships when they learn to give a bit of space, making the connection even stronger. Some signs that go well with Taurus include Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Pisces.

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