03/19 zodiac: 0 Photos
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces. Aquarius: January 20 – February 18. Pisces: February 19 – March 20.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(dvW8ZsO4MYOH7NYPt4iKmAM__31,
Those born on March 19 are dreamers and doers. They are highly capable of turning their creative ideas into reality using their own unique charm and personality. They are persistent and persuasive, always wanting to be the leader and these traits will help them succeed in both work and family life.
A Pisces born on March 19 is sensitive and possesses a sunny disposition and a positive outlook. Although they can easily give themselves over to impulse and intuition, they understand the need to ground themselves in common sense. They are charming in a subtle, unassuming way.
Since Venus and Mars determine your values and passions, respectively, you may feel like you embody both Pisces and Aries traits if your sun is in one sign but your Venus or Mars is in another. Even if you don't have a cusp birthday, you might still have crossover traits between Pisces and Aries in your birth chart.